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The Fourth Annual Energy Policy Conference, October 15, 2024 REGISTER

NJBIA Chief Government Affairs Officer Chrissy Buteas spoke about NJBIA’s efforts to increase employment opportunities for intellectually and developmentally disabled New Jersey residents during a recent podcast  with the National Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE).

APSE is a nonprofit dedicated to advancing the “Employment First” movement that focuses on delivering meaningful employment, fair wages, and career advancement to people with disabilities. Buteas spoke to APSE’s Erica Belois-Pacer this week about NJBIA’s ongoing work to make workplaces more inclusive.

“We have supported legislation that creates career pathways for those with disabilities as well as for those who are caring for people with disabilities,” Buteas said.

NJBIA also works with advocacy groups on public outreach efforts designed to educate businesses on the benefits of an inclusive workplace and how to partner with nonprofits that provide job training and other resources to help people with disabilities find good-paying jobs and live independently.

“There are some misconceptions out there,” Buteas said. “We are trying to provide as much information as we can and globally, in partnership with our community colleges, provider organizations, the State of New Jersey, just raise awareness in general.”

To listen to the entire podcast, recorded on Dec. 13, go here.