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Reserve your spot for the 10th Annual Women’s Business Leaders Forum! REGISTER
Virtual Meeting May 19 11:00 am - 12:15 pm Virtual - Zoom Video Conferencing

Military life is very different from civilian life, and there are many subtle things that people need to address when they become veterans, including re-acclimating to general cultural norms, converting technical skills and soft skills acquired in the military into a competitive resume, and understanding how to navigate a non-military work structure.

In honor of Military Appreciation Month, we will peel back some of the layers that you may not recognize that may pose barriers to turning a veteran team member into a powerful team advocate for your organization’s success.

Join us on Thursday, May 19 as we are joined by Shy Hopkins, Marketing Program Coordinator, America’s SBDC New Jersey (NJSBDC).

Stay with us after the meeting for Networking!