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The Innovative State: With a Rich History of Innovation, NJ Is Well-Positioned to Face COVID-19 Challenges
According to Judith Sheft, NEW JERSEY COMMISSION ON SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY, “Innovation is all about the execution and implementation of an idea. It is the process that brings a spark of creativity or invention to life to address real individual or societal needs. As the Executive Director of the New Jersey Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology, I am continually inspired by the advances taking place throughout the state, and the people and businesses that make up our robust innovation ecosystem.”

PCAST Recommends Bold Actions to Ensure American Leadership in Industries of the Future
According to SSTI, “The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) is recommending a set of bold actions to help ensure continued American leadership in Industries of the Future (IotF), comprising artificial intelligence (AI), quantum information science (QIS), advanced manufacturing, advanced communications, and biotechnology.

NJ STEM Month 2020 Recap
An annual event in March, NJ STEM Month is a celebration co-hosted by the New Jersey STEM Pathways Network (NJSPN) and Research & Development Council of New Jersey (R&D Council of NJ). NJ STEM Month highlights the Garden State’s incredible accomplishments in science, technology, engineering, math, and innovation.

Senator Oroho Bill to Encourage Providers to Enhance Broadband Telecom Services in Rural Areas Advances
Residents in more rural communities of the state could benefit from increased broadband communication service under legislation sponsored by Senator Steve Oroho and approved today by the Senate Economic Growth Committee. A Senate committee today advanced Senator Oroho’s legislation to help bring increased broadband communication service to more rural communities.

APLU Report Focuses on Bolstering Diversity in STEM Faculty
According to Sarah Holbert, “Just 10% of STEM faculty at four-year institutions are from underrepresented backgrounds, according to a new report by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities. The report and an accompanying guidebook, which were supported by the NSF INCLUDES grant, look at the lack of individuals from underrepresented backgrounds in STEM faculty positions and outline several key findings and steps for higher education leaders, researchers, and policymakers to bolster diversity in STEM faculty.”

Lessons From the Pandemic: Broadband Policy After COVID-19
According to Doug Brake of ITIF, “U.S. broadband networks weathered the COVID-19 surge in traffic better than most peer nations. The pandemic should galvanize policymakers to ensure broadband can serve as an essential lifeline for everyone, including low-income and rural residents.”

All Productivity Is Good: Even Automation
According to ITIF, “One of the few times when I have found myself in agreement with Paul Krugman is when he famously wrote, ‘Productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run it is almost everything.’ Yet, today, this statement is not only passé, but downright suspect, at least among many U.S. elites. For in a world characterized by neo-Luddite fear of new technologies and outlandish claims that technology will destroy most of our jobs, public and elite opinion has shifted to a view that “productivity is almost nothing, especially if any worker loses their job from it.”

Five Early-Stage Technology & Life Sciences Businesses Receive $700,000Through NJ Entrepreneur Support Program
Trenton, NJ – The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) today announced it has supported 12 investments totaling more than $700,000 into five small businesses through the newly-created New Jersey Entrepreneur Support Program. These are the first companies to benefit from the program, which is designed to support New Jersey’s COVID-19-impacted small businesses in the Garden State’s innovation ecosystem.