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The Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University and the state Division of Aging Services are seeking employer partners for three new pilot programs designed to address the critical shortage of certified home health aides in New Jersey. 

Licensed homecare agencies that apply to become Certified Home Health Aide (CHHA) Career Project partners can receive funding to help train and mentor new certified home health aides. The deadline for home health agencies to apply is Aug. 22. 

“We are seeking CHHA employers that offer CHHA training approved by the New Jersey Board of Nursing to partner with us on this exciting new initiative,” said Renee Williams, senior project coordinator. “By becoming a partner, you can participate in these three pilot programs, expand your business, and make a difference in your community.” 

The pilot projects intend to address the statewide shortage of certified home health aides by implementing scholarship, mentoring, and specialized training programs in New Jersey. Interested organizations that are dedicated to ensuring the work-readiness of potential employees can participate in one of these three pilot programs:  

  • Scholarship Program to Become a CHHA – This program includes 76hours of training, accessto a resource toolkit, acommunity-buildingsocial network, andmonetary incentives forexpenses such aschildcare andtransportation.  
  • Mentorship Support Program for Young Adults, Immigrants, and Refugees– This inclusive program includes 76hours of training, access to aresource toolkit, acommunity-building social network, and monetaryincentives for expenses suchas childcare andtransportation. This alsoincludes a 12-week, on-the-job mentoring program.  
  • Specialized Training Program to Enhance Skills– This program includes specialized training ondementiacare andmental health first aidtraining to empower andhelp retain CHHA workers. Thisalso includes monetaryincentives for completingtraining.  

Partners will provide training and mentoring to students in the above programs and offer a promise of employment to students once they complete their program. Program partners will receive funds to offset training costs and must make upfront direct payments to participants, which will be fully reimbursed. 

Watch a video overview here to learn more about the program. For more information, and to access the online application, go here