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If you’re a veteran with an idea for a business, Fairleigh Dickinson University has a course for you.

The university’s Rothman Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is offering a series of programs for the fall called Veterans Launching Ventures (VLV), which is designed to show veterans how to take their ideas and turn them into viable businesses.

The program offers nine weeks of classroom instruction, two weeks of coaching and four weeks of lectures, all via Zoom.

Marine Corps Veteran Joey Mac Tizon said in a VLV video that the courses gave him access to mentors and peers to be able to build his business.

“Being able to expose the trades and skills I learned in the military, a lot of those skills can be used in the business world,” Tizon said.

The nine-week class instruction course is structured into weekly modules to aid each entrepreneur in writing a comprehensive business plan using the proprietary curriculum of Sakti Kunz. Each student is paired with an experienced consultant to guide them through the course.

The two-week coaching course is designed to help veterans develop viable new business ideas and begin the process of developing business plans and, in many instances, establishing a business. All classes are led by Rothman Executive Director Dr. Dale Caldwell, who has over 20 years of management consulting and is an ICF Certified Coach.

The four-week lecture series focuses on the foundational building blocks of launching a business with the goal of developing a feasibility report on a proposed business idea.