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Thank you to all NJBIA members who took the time to respond to our member satisfaction survey and received, as our way of saying thanks,  a free three-month listing in our new Member-to-Member Marketplace  directory.  NJBIA welcomes your feedback on our advocacy efforts, communications, events, and money-saving programs because knowing what makes membership most valuable to your business is how we continue to deliver the information, resources, and powerful Trenton advocacy that you need to successfully meet the challenge of doing business in New Jersey.

Most members who responded to the survey cited networking opportunities; lobbying and advocacy; events and seminars; and useful advice on the impact of laws and regulations as among the most important services NJBIA provides.  The survey also shows growing awareness of the free benefits available to your business through NJBIA’s Member Action Center (MAC).

The MAC answers HR and business questions, and also utilizes an extensive network of government contacts to help you better navigate the state and municipal bureaucracy.

To read more about all the benefits available to your business as a member of the nation’s largest statewide business organization, go to our website