10 West Lafayette Street, Trenton, NJ 08608
Please join us on Weds. Dec. 8 for our NJBIA Energy & Environment Policy Committee Meeting being held via Zoom video conferencing.
We will be hearing from Senator Bob Smith (D-17) and Sean Moriarty, Deputy Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Senator Smith will go over his priorities for the next legislative term. Two years ago, his “list” became our agenda for the next two years. Deputy Commissioner Moriarty will talk on the latest developments at DEP, including EJ, PACT, site remediation, and restructuring. Both the Senator and the Deputy Commissioner will speaking to us virtually.
Melanie Willoughby, Executive Director of the New Jersey Business Action Center will also provide us with a presentation on the Plastic Carryout Bag and Polystyrene Foam Ban. The meeting agenda can be found here.
NJBIA will also be providing a legislative update during the meeting. If you have any matters you would like to have covered, please email Ray Cantor at rcantor@njbia.org.
To register for this meeting, please click here or contact Marcy DePula.
Date: Weds. Dec. 8
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Virtual Platform: Zoom Conferencing
Register To Attend
NJBIA would like to thank our Energy & Environment Policy Committee Meeting partner Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi PC.
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