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Do Better for Business Videos

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A 'Tax Cut' for NJ Businesses That Really Isn't

Summary: Some progressive groups say New Jersey employers will be receiving a “tax cut” if not hit with a $1B business tax proposed by Governor Murphy. Here’s why that’s false and how our largest job creators have, in fact, actually been making temporary corporate tax overpayments for six years.

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Do Better

NJ Is Failing to Compete with Pa. on Corporate Tax Rates

Pennsylvania is taking strong steps to attract large job creators. A proposal by Gov. Murphy to give New Jersey the largest corporate tax rate in the nation runs counter to that.

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Do Better

The Impacts of a $1B Business Tax on NJ Residents, Consumers & Workers

Many people think taxes on large corporations won’t impact them. This explains why they might need to think again.

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This is What Happens When It's Harder to do Business in NJ

Succeeding in business in New Jersey is harder than anywhere else. That’s why we see as many business closures as we do.

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Following the Steps of an Unfair Business Tax

When there are many valid reasons not to tax New Jersey businesses, and policymakers do it anyway, it’s a punishment on our largest job creators without a crime.

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How the Little Pieces Impact the Big Picture for NJ Businesses

Policy leaders don’t seem to realize how the policies that take away from business add up to big losses for their bottom line.

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Fostering an Anti-Business Culture in NJ Through Mistrust

Just two weeks before his FY25 budget proposal, Gov. Phil Murphy defended the need to sunset a CBT surcharge. But then reversed his decision, sowing mistrust amongst NJ’s business community.

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Do Better

‘Tax Relief’ in the Form of Tax Increases?

Gov. Phil Murphy said “it’s kind of crazy to raise taxes to deliver tax relief.” But apparently not crazy enough to tax New Jersey businesses once again.

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