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Different industries will have various impacts depending on who is eventually elected president of the United States. 

In the waste and recycling industries, the impacts could be significant. A story in breaks down how there could be a significant change in policy and tax rates under Joe Biden. 

Specifically, the story forecasts increases in corporate and capital gains tax rates under Biden, while mergers and acquisitions would decrease. 

The story also suggests the Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act could see more life under a Democratic president. The legislation would establish extended producer responsibility for packaging on a national level, along with a federal container deposit system and bans on multiple types of plastic.  

Democratic members of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis endorsed the bill this summer as part of a sweeping climate action plan, along with legislation like the Zero Waste Act. That document also backs recycled content minimums, requirements for organics and recycling in regards to combating climate change, and areas like electrification for fleets. 

The EPA, under President Trump, has sought to bolster recycling through voluntary goals, rather than regulations. 

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