“NJBIA is concerned about the implications of Governor Christie’s proposal that Horizon Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Jersey contribute each year from its reserves to a fund that would support those who access charity care and Medicaid.
“We look forward to learning more about the Governor’s plan. More information is required before asking Horizon BCBSNJ to take this unique step. Further discussion is especially important given the uncertainty in the health insurance market with discussions on the federal level to repeal the Affordable Care Act and to replace it with something else, as well as the ongoing discussion on out-of-network healthcare costs within the state. We are also concerned about what this market volatility would mean for our members’ ability to provide affordable health benefits to their employees.
“These reserve funds are important because they are used to cover unexpected increases in future healthcare claims by Horizon BCBSNJ customers and to maintain price stability. Horizon BCBSNJ also uses these funds to make the necessary infrastructure and technological investments to operate in the most effective and efficient manner.”