With the adoption of additional reforms to the Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA 2.0), the Department of Environmental Protection is beginning the process of asking stakeholders for input on implementing regulations. In addition, the Department will also be having a dialogue on a host of issues not addressed in the legislation. During the legislative negotiations between the Department and the business community, hosted by SRRA 2.0’s prime sponsor, Senator Bob Smith, various contentious and complicated issues were raised. It was decided to move the legislation with consensus items and to attempt to address the other issues in the regulatory process. Those discussions will now take place.
The stakeholder meeting is being held on Monday, November 18. It is by invitation only and NJBIA will have two representatives attending. Some of the topics to be covered are:
- Exploring Remedial Action Permits issued by LSRPs via General Permits, Permits-by-Rule, Virtual Permits, etc.;
- Historic Fill and Historically Applied Pesticides (i.e., “non-discharge”);
- Alternative fill;
- Flexible Risk-Based Program; and
- SRRA impact on municipalities.
If any member wants to provide input on any of these topics, or others related to site remediation or brownfields, please contact Ray Cantor at rcantor@njbia.org.