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In-Person October 15 8:00 am - 6:30 pm
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New Jersey’s Energy Future

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Our fourth annual conference will provide an insightful discussion of critical issues shaping energy policy in New Jersey, including decarbonization, climate change, wind and nuclear energy. This conference will offer a comprehensive platform for professional stakeholders involved in energy policy and advocacy to engage in dialogue, share knowledge, and explore innovative solutions.

Meet Our Featured Speakers

Michele N.     Siekerka, Esq. Michele N. Siekerka, Esq. President & CEO, NJBIA

Michele N. Siekerka, Esq., President and CEO of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association, leads the nation’s largest, most influential employers’ organization, advocating on behalf of New Jersey’s large and small businesses for policies that will make New Jersey more affordable and regionally competitive.

Being known as a collaborative leader, Siekerka is leading an NJBIA established coalition (New Jersey Business Coalition) comprised of more than 100 business and nonprofit associations across the state to tackle the tough economic and business challenges our state is facing during COVID 19.

Well versed on the ‘boots on the ground” issues affecting our state’s business community, Michele is often the “go to” resource for media and is sought after to share her expertise in public forums across the state.

Ray Cantor Ray Cantor Deputy Chief Government Affairs Officer, NJBIA

Ray Cantor is Deputy Chief Government Affairs Officer of Government Affairs of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA), the nation’s largest state-level business association whose member companies collectively employ 1 million people.

Cantor, an attorney whose career has included high-level positions in the legislative and executive branches of government, a former assistant commissioner and, later, chief adviser to the commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), leads NJBIA’s advocacy efforts on environmental and energy matters affecting the business community.

At DEP, Cantor oversaw the offices of Legal Affairs, Dispute Resolution, and Economic Analysis in addition to advising the DEP commissioner on policy, legal, management, and economic matters. Cantor was also responsible for policy formulation related to all DEP regulations, including site remediation, NRD, air quality, water regulation, and land-use management.

A graduate of New York Law School, Cantor began his career working at the state’s Office of Legislative Services as senior counsel in the Environment, Energy, & Natural Resources section. He later served as the Assistant Commissioner of Land Use Management & Compliance at DEP until 2002 and also worked as a project consultant for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Cantor’s experience as a business lobbyist includes five years as director of Government Affairs for the Medical Society of New Jersey and then executive director of the New Jersey Apartment Association. He returned to the state DEP in 2010, where he served as chief advisor to DEP Commissioner Bob Martin for eight years.

Timothy C. Burdis Timothy C. Burdis Director of State Policy Solutions, PJM Interconnection

As director of state policy solutions, Burdis manages a team of professionals who endeavor to harmonize emerging state electricity policies with wholesale market design and transmission system planning policies. His organization specifically focuses on: offshore wind development; clean energy development; resource adequacy evolution; grid modernization; and, grid security maintenance.
Before his current post, Burdis served as the business operations manager to PJM’s General Counsel / Senior Vice President of Law, Compliance and External Relations. Here he managed a portfolio on matters relating to corporate governance, regulatory filings, development of policy and messaging, and long-term corporate strategy.

Prior, Burdis served as manager of policy analysis & strategy, managing a team of economists focused on the outreach and strategy development for state government engagement; focusing on policy assessment, market design and transmission planning. Additionally, he managed PJM’s engagement with the Organization of PJM States, Inc. (OPSI) and its interaction with the company’s Executive Team and Board of Managers.

Burdis started his career as an engineer working in PJM’s markets and operations divisions.
He is a graduate from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, holds a Master of Science in Engineering from West Virginia University and a Bachelor of Science from Lebanon Valley College.

Burdis started his career as an engineer working in PJM’s markets and operations divisions.

He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. He holds a Master of Science in Engineering from West Virginia University and a Bachelor of Science from Lebanon Valley College.

Minjie Chen, Ph.D Minjie Chen, Ph.D Associate Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, & Andlinger Center for Energy & the Environment, Princeton Univ.

Princeton Power Electronics Lab’s research aims at developing fundamental and novel power electronics solutions to enable and support a wide range of applications. Heading towards a greener, smarter, and highly interconnected future, it is time for us to replace the bulky and lossy “power cabinets” and “bricks” with well-optimized and highly-integrated “power sticks” and “chips” that will make future electronic systems much smaller, sustainable, and more capable.

There are exciting opportunities and challenges in pushing the performance boundary of power electronics. Advances are enabled by new architectures and design concepts, and supported by rapid developments in power semiconductor devices, passive components and fabrication techniques that can greatly change the design space. Optimally designed high frequency power electronics leveraging these state-of-the-art techniques promises order-of-magnitude higher power density. However, circuit timing and control, parasitics, magnetics, and thermal management all pose difficulties in high frequency designs. Both existing and entirely new applications – ranging from mW-scale energy harvesting circuits in portable devices, to kW or MW systems in electric vehicles, data centers, and renewable integration – require specialized power electronics which either present substantial room for improvement, or for which there is as yet no adequate solution.

Professor Chen received his Ph.D. from MIT in 2015, and received his B.S. from Tsinghua University in 2009. Before joining Princeton University, he was a postdoctoral associate at MIT RLE, doing research on advanced power conversion architecture and power magnetics. He is the recipient of an IEEE Transaction First Prize Paper Award, the Chorafas Foundation Award for outstanding Ph.D. thesis, the E.E. Landsman Fellowship, the First Prize Award in IEEE ECCE Student Demo Competition, and an Outstanding Reviewer Award from IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. He has three patents issued and has a few patents pending.

Varu Chilakamarri Varu Chilakamarri Partner, K&L Gates

Varu Chilakamarri is a partner in the firm’s Environment, Land, and Natural Resources practice group. Her practice focuses on litigation services, with a specialization in appellate matters and in administrative, environmental, and energy law. Varu also counsels clients on government-facing matters, which often involve strategic analysis of legal risks and opportunities presented by statutory and regulatory frameworks.

Varu joins the firm after a 17-year career at the US Department of Justice, where she was a successful federal district and appellate court litigator and held various senior leadership roles. Most recently, she served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the DOJ’s Civil Division. In this role, Varu was the head of the Torts Branch, an office of over 230 litigators and staff who defend the United States in a wide range of suits for monetary damages—including toxic tort cases arising out of environmental regulatory actions, constitutional tort cases, and cases brought under unique statutory compensation programs.

Before that, Varu was an appellate attorney in the Environment and Natural Resources Division, serving as lead counsel in complex civil and criminal appeals. These included facial challenges to the constitutionality of federal laws and regulations, and challenges to the validity of federal permitting and land use decisions (e.g., cases involving the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Clean Water Act). She also litigated enforcement cases, including those involving violations of substantive environmental laws, recordkeeping requirements, and various Title 18 provisions. She argued cases before the US Court of Appeals for the Third, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, D.C., and the Federal Circuit, and she has practiced in several other federal appellate and district courts. Varu was previously appointed as the Division’s first counselor for animal welfare matters and served as Chief of Staff to the Assistant Attorney General in DOJ’s Environment and Natural Resources Division.

Varu’s work at the DOJ often centered on novel legal challenges arising from a broad suite of federal statutes, including two preemption lawsuits that went to the US Supreme Court.

Varu joined the DOJ in 2006 through the Attorney General’s honors program as a trial attorney in the Civil Division’s Federal Programs Branch, and during her tenure, also worked in the office of the Associate Attorney General as Acting Deputy and served on detail to the White House Counsel’s Office. Before joining the DOJ, Varu clerked for Judge R. Guy Cole in the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit and Judge Timothy B. Dyk in the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

Amy Cradic Amy Cradic SVP & COO of Non-Utility Businesses, Strategy and External Affairs New Jersey Resources

Ms. Cradic joined New Jersey Resources (NJR) in February 2018. As Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Non-Utility Businesses, Strategy and External Affairs, she is responsible for providing leadership, management and vision to NJR Clean Energy Ventures, NJR Energy Services and NJR Midstream. She also oversees the company’s Corporate Strategy, Government Affairs, Communications and Sustainability functions.

Before joining NJR, Ms. Cradic served the New Jersey Office of the Governor in several capacities, including as Senior Policy Advisor, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and Cabinet Liaison before becoming Chief of Staff to the Governor. During her tenure, Ms. Cradic was instrumental in balancing state budgets and delivering policy agendas in regulatory, governmental and political environments. Prior to that, Ms. Cradic served as Deputy Director and Assistant Commissioner for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

Ms. Cradic holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from The College of New Jersey, a master’s degree in mass communication from New York University and is an alumnus of Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program.

She currently serves on the Board of Governors for Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University, the New Jersey Future Board of Trustees and Executive Women of New Jersey. She is also a trustee for the NJ chapter of The Nature Conservancy.

Prof. Steven C. Crowley Prof. Steven C. Crowley Laboratory Director, U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Sir Steven Cowley is a theoretical physicist and international authority on fusion energy. He’s laboratory director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, which is managed by Princeton University where Cowley is also professor of astrophysical sciences. He’s also chair of the Board of Trustees for the Faraday Institution.

Prior to his current positions, Cowley was president of Corpus Christi College and professor of physics at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Cowley previously was chief executive officer of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and head of the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy

Rick DeSilva, Jr. Rick DeSilva, Jr. Partner, Liberty Subaru
Cyril W. Draffin, Jr. Cyril W. Draffin, Jr. Senior Fellow, Advanced Nuclear, U.S. Nuclear Industry Council

Cyril W. Draffin, Jr. is Senior Fellow, Advanced Nuclear for the U.S. Nuclear Industry Council, where he facilitates progress on the development, demonstration, regulation, financing, and deployment of multiple Advanced Nuclear technologies to meet industrial and utility energy requirements. Mr. Draffin is Regulations and Workstream lead for the U.S. Department of Commerce Small Modular Reactor Working Group, is Vice-Chair of the Maryland Cybersecurity Critical Infrastructure subcommittee, is leader of MIT Alumni Angels of DC, and is affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Energy Initiative.

Previously, Mr. Draffin was Director, Strategic Development for Northrop Grumman Corporation; Vice President of a venture capital company; Director at the U.S. Department of Energy; and Nuclear and Environmental Engineer at Bechtel Power.  Mr. Draffin has BS and MS degrees in chemical engineering from MIT.

Erick A. Ford Erick A. Ford Vice President, Stevens & Lee Public Affairs LLC

Erick combines nearly two decades of public sector leadership and private sector experience in the energy industry. He brings a keen understanding of the strategies and approaches to shaping and affecting policy through collaboration with trade groups, community groups, business and municipal stakeholders.

Erick advises businesses in the utility, energy, hydrogen energy, software development and renewable energy sectors. A leading authority in New Jersey’s energy and utility sector, he currently serves as President of the New Jersey Energy Coalition, where he assists water, electric, gas utilities and renewable energy companies with navigating and crafting regulatory policy. He also has a deep understanding of the interplay between cybersecurity and the energy industry, with experience managing the Best Practices in Cybersecurity Program for Protect Our Power, an independent organization of former electric utility industry, military, government and regulatory experts focused on strengthening the resiliency of our electric power grid. In addition, Erick is the current Chairman of the New Jersey Society for Economic, Environmental Development’s Energy Committee, where he oversees energy-related initiatives and policy activism for the organization.

As a confidential aide to a commissioner and the President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, Erick advised on energy sector policy issues and liaised with New Jersey organizations, including the Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC), Department of Energy, Department of Environmental Protection, and the Economic Development Authority, to address issues regarding cybersecurity, workforce development, electric vehicles, and rulemaking. Prior to his roles in the energy and utility space, Erick was the Agency Manager of the NJ MVC.

Erick has led and participated in key industry panels regarding utility policy, energy efficiency, solar, offshore wind, electric vehicle, hydrogen, nuclear energy and incentive programs at forums like NARUC, the New Jersey Business & Industry Association and EUCI. He has also lectured at the Rowan University Center for Responsible Leadership, Stockton University and at the Stevens’ Institute.

Rebecca Moll Freed Rebecca Moll Freed Partner, K&L Gates LLP

Rebecca Moll Freed is a partner in the firm’s Government Contracts and Procurement Policy practice. She is also a member of the Nonprofit, Power, and Public Policy and Law practice areas.

Rebecca’s practice is truly at the intersection of law, government, and business. Through her varied practice, Rebecca focuses on helping companies successfully navigate through a myriad of complex regulatory frameworks pertaining to political contributions, pay-to-play rules, government contracting, ethics rules, lobbying requirements, and energy and utility matters. Rebecca also works extensively with trade associations, charitable organizations, social welfare organizations, issue advocacy groups, political action committees, independent expenditure only committees (Super PACs) and coalitions on governance, lobbying and political activity compliance matters. Rebecca always takes a “hands-on” approach to working with clients and views herself as an extension of the client’s team.

Rebecca counsels companies on government contracting and the procurement process. She provides training and counseling to companies, in-house counsel, and corporate ethics and compliance officers seeking to maximize government contracting opportunities while assuring their compliance with the law. Rebecca provides clients with substantive counsel on pay-to-play laws and has extensive experience in assisting clients in successfully preparing and completing RFPs and RFQs for federal, bi-state, state, and local government entities. Rebecca also has experience with vendor codes of ethics, prequalification questionnaires, background qualification questionnaires, diversity in government contracting, set-asides for minority and women-owned businesses (MWBEs), Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), and public-private partnerships (P3s).

Rebecca is also a member of the firm’s Government Ethics and Election Law team. She has helped clients develop enterprise-wide multi-jurisdictional compliance programs for political engagement, lobbying compliance, and gifts and entertainment. Rebecca has frequently developed these programs for clients who are government contractors with the end goal of making sure their political contributions, lobbying activities and interactions with government officials do not jeopardize their eligibility for government contracting opportunities.

In the energy and utility space, Rebecca has worked with utility companies, solar companies, and offshore wind companies on procurement matters and lobbying and political activity compliance. She has also represented clients before the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU).

Janice Fuller Janice Fuller President, Mid-Atlantic, Anbaric

Janice Fuller is Anbaric’s Mid-Atlantic President where she spearheads the company’s policy efforts as well as leads project development of offshore wind transmission infrastructure.

Prior to joining Anbaric, Ms. Fuller served as Chief of Staff to Congressman and House Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone (NJ-06), and previously served as District Director. She also held roles as Director of Cabinet Affairs in the administration of Governor Jon Corzine where she oversaw the operations of several state departments and as the Executive Director of a statewide political party, as well as senior leadership roles in numerous political campaigns.

Ms. Fuller graduated with honors from Boston University. She previously served as an elected member of the Board of Education in her hometown in New Jersey and currently serves as the President of the Boys & Girls Club of Monmouth County.

Jeffrey E. Grant, MBA, PE, CEM, CEP Jeffrey E. Grant, MBA, PE, CEM, CEP Owner, EnergyPlus Solutions

Jeff Grant manages matters related to utilities and utilities sustainability with over twenty years of experience with portfolio utilities management, including Environmental Social Governance (“ESG”) utility metrics and reporting for commercial and multifamily facility portfolios.   He is expert in delivering results by managing energy rates, boosting tenant utilities revenue, and improving facility energy efficiency.

He began his career with Mack-Cali in 1999 having come from the consulting engineering profession where he specialized in utility reliability and mitigation of utility rate risk by strategic central plant and utility services design.  Prior to consulting engineering, he managed a design-build mechanical contracting company and prior to that he was with the Exxon Research and Engineering Company.

Jeff is a mechanical engineer from Tulane University and a business administration master from Rutgers Graduate School of Management.  Also, he is a licensed engineer, a Certified Energy Manager, Certified Energy Procurement Professional, certified NJ BPU Benchmarker and a registered NJ BPU Energy Agent – Private Aggregator – Energy Consultant.

Karen Imas Karen Imas Sr. External Affairs Manager, Offshore Wind US – Attentive Energy, TotalEnergies Renewables USA, LLC

As the Senior External Affairs Manager at Attentive Energy, Karen supports the company’s public positioning across a diverse set of policy issues and regulatory entities relevant to the project at the local, state, and federal level. Prior to joining Attentive Energy, Karen served as the program and policy lead at the Waterfront Alliance, where she focused on advocacy for coastal resilience policy, maritime infrastructure, and revitalization of waterfront communities. She has also represented land use, infrastructure and non-profit clients for boutique government relations firm, CMW Strategies. Karen’s expertise in government relations, public affairs, and stakeholder relations is shaped by more than 20 years in the public, private, and non-profit sectors

Ari Kahan Ari Kahan Team Lead, Long Term Integrated Products, U.S. Energy Information Administration

Ari Kahan manages the Long Term Integrated Products Team at the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA). Ari’s team leads the development of the Annual Energy Outlook and the International Energy Outlook, and manages the development of EIA modeling systems, including the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) and the World Energy Projection System (WEPS). Earlier, Ari wrote vehicle greenhouse gas and air quality regulations, and led a data analysis group at a sustainability consultancy.

Brian Keatts Brian Keatts Partner, Davison Eastman Muñoz Paone, P.A.

Brian Keatts is a partner in the Business Law and Litigation Department at Davison Eastman Munoz Paone, P.A. With over 20 years of experience across multiple state and federal jurisdictions, Brian has represented clients across a wide range of industries, including the construction, energy, business, commercial real estate, environmental, banking, insurance and governmental sectors.

Brian Keatts’s trial experience includes serving as special counsel for the State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), in connection with the NJ’s joint beach replenishment program along portions of New Jersey. Brian also has experience representing architects, engineers and attorneys against claims of professional malpractice. He has provided counsel to interstate natural gas companies in project planning, construction and all associated litigation, as well as to private utilities and governmental agencies in planning and getting their projects built.

Brian Keatts’s practice focuses on all facets of complex commercial litigation and general liability matters, including construction claims and related litigation, drafting property right agreements, contractual disputes, condemnation/eminent domain, consumer fraud claims, regulatory claims and licensing (e.g., A901 licensing), and various tort and business interruption claims. He regularly represents clients at mediation, arbitration, commissioner hearings, and state and appellate courts. Brian works extensively with clients in analyzing issues, forming litigation strategies when necessary, and directing a team to implement those strategies.

Bob Martin Bob Martin Managing Director, Christie 55 Solutions LLC

Bob Martin is a senior executive with vast experience in both the public and private sectors working with and running large and complex organizations. Extensive skills and experience managing, transforming and consulting to companies and government organizations. His abilities include strong analytical, strategic, leadership, people management and development, financial, and regulatory skills. Bob has strong sector knowledge in the utility & energy industries, government, health insurance, and manufacturing & distribution.

Bob’s work at Christie 55 Solutions has included working with clients on:

  • Renewable Energy Strategy (Offshore & Onshore Wind, Solar, Battery Storage and Hydrogen)
  • Business Strategy and Growth
  • Sports Betting
  • Regulatory & Permitting Strategy at the State and Federal levels
  • Land Use Strategy
  • Environmental Strategy
  • Fossil and Nuclear Power Generation
  • Electric Power Transmission
  • Infrastructure and Engineering

Bob served as New Jersey’s Commissioner of Environmental Protection under Governor Christie from 2010 to 2018, managing over 2,800 professionals and a multi-million dollar annual state budget and other federal and state resources. He effectively implemented DEP’s mission to protect the air, water, land and natural and historic resources of the state. He has deep knowledge and expertise in state and federal environmental and land use laws and regulations, and working with numerous federal agencies and departments. Bob also played a key leadership role under Governor Christie in coordinating the State’s preparation and response, and long-term rebuilding from natural disasters, especially for Superstorm Sandy in 2012.

Prior to public service, Bob was a Partner at Accenture LLP with over 25 years of experience consulting to a broad variety of businesses and industries, and trusted advisor to senior executives to help them achieve their vision and create value. He has extensive skills and experience in all aspects of business and management consulting, including business strategy and planning, business transformation and operations reengineering, IT strategy, systems implementation and change management.

Bob has extensive international experience including living and working in the UK for 5 years, and doing significant consulting work throughout Europe and Canada. He has demonstrated expertise in all the key aspects of the utility industry, including electric generation, electric & gas transmission, and electric, gas and water distribution operations. Bob has a BA in Economics & Sociology from Boston College and an MBA, concentrating in Finance & Investments, from the George Washington University.

Doug Mokoid Doug Mokoid President, Jersey Central Power & Light (JCPL)
Chris Moser Chris Moser Senior Vice President, Head of Competitive Markets and Policy, NRG Energy
Cynthia Kay Niemeyer, PE Cynthia Kay Niemeyer, PE Policy Advisor, Domestic Gas Markets, American Petroleum Institute (API)

Cynthia Niemeyer is a policy advisor for domestic natural gas markets at the American Petroleum Institute (API). She leads API’s initiatives on natural gas and power markets, engaging with federal and local regulators to address load growth and ensure grid reliability. Prior to joining API in 2024, Cynthia was a senior research associate with ClearView Energy Partners and spent over six years with Chevron as a facilities engineer. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University and a Master of Public Affairs from the University of Texas. Cynthia is also a licensed professional civil engineer in the state of Texas.

Paulina Banasiak O’Connor Paulina Banasiak O’Connor Executive Director, New Jersey Offshore Wind Alliance

Paulina Banasiak O’Connor is a seasoned veteran of New Jersey politics with years of experience in the executive and legislative branch as well as the private sector. She has years of experience in public policy and government affairs, specializing in relationship management, issue advocacy, and strategy implementation.

She is the Executive Director of the New Jersey Offshore Wind Alliance, an advocacy project established to represent the offshore wind development community in the state. Previously, Paulina was a lobbyist at The Zita Group, a woman owned lobbying firm in Trenton, where she served as Vice President. Prior to The Zita Group, Paulina served in the role of Director of Legislative Affairs as well as Acting Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Philip D. Murphy. Since the start of the Murphy administration, she was a part of developing and advancing the Governor’s legislative policy priorities which included bills related to the environment, clean energy, gun violence prevention, economic tax incentives, and online sports gaming. Among various high-level responsibilities, Paulina contributed to crafting the Governor’s state budget, preparing cabinet officials for confirmations, legislative hearings, and participated in the appointments process. Paulina also served on the Commission on Capital Budgeting and Planning as the Governor’s Appointee. Paulina began her career in public service as a Legislative Director for former Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle (D-Bergen), then Chair of the Assembly Human Services Committee and Vice-Chair of the Assembly Transportation Committee. In 2017, Paulina became the Chief of Staff to Assemblyman Raj Mukherji (D-Hudson) working on legislation pertaining to clean energy, public transportation, veteran’s services, and the state budget.

Before starting her career in government, Paulina worked as a social worker in Bergen County with survivors of domestic violence. She received her Bachelors in Psychology from Montclair State University and her Masters in Social Work from Rutgers University. She lives in Bordentown City with her husband and dog.

Laura Perrotta, CAE Laura Perrotta, CAE President, American Truck Dealers (ATD)

Laura will be the new President of the New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers (NJCAR) starting on November 18, 2024. NJCAR is a non-profit organization serving more than 500 neighborhood new car and truck dealerships throughout New Jersey. NJ CAR advocates on behalf of New Jersey’s $37 billion auto retail sector.

Currently, Laura serves as the President of the American Truck Dealers (ATD), a division of the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA). ATD provides programs and services to this highly specialized segment of its membership. ATD represents more than 3,200 franchised medium- and heavy-duty truck dealers holding nearly 5,600 separate franchises, domestic and import.

Previously, Laura served as President and CEO of the American Highway Users Alliance, a nonprofit 501 (c)(6) advocacy organization serving as the united voice of the transportation community promoting safe, uncongested highways and enhanced freedom of mobility.

Laura has worked in the association world for the past twenty-one years. Prior to running the Highway Users, Laura was the Senior Director of Legislative Affairs for the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA). There she handled financial services, transportation, truck, and safety issues.

Before working for the dealers, she served as Director of Government Relations at the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA), where she ran the organization’s lobbying shop, served as PAC Treasurer, and focused on transportation safety issues.

Additionally, Laura served as Chair of the Road Gang in 2016.  She was named one of Association TRENDS Effective Association Lobbyists in 2011 and is a member of the American Society of Association Executives. She received her Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation in 2013.

Laura is originally from Elmira, NY and received her B.A. in Political Science from Salisbury State University in Maryland. Her career in DC began in 2001, when she relocated to work on Capitol Hill for Congressman Amo Houghton of New York.

Michael Porto Michael Porto Senior Director, External Engagement, Offshore Development, Invenergy
Grace Power, Esq. Grace Power, Esq. General Counsel & EVP of Government Affairs, Solar Landscape

Grace serves as General Counsel and EVP of Government Affairs at Solar Landscape, the leading commercial and community solar developer in the United States. Most recently she was a Partner at McCarter & English, LLP in the Government Affairs and Energy & Environment practice groups. Previously she served as Chief of Staff at the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities during the Murphy Administration and was responsible for the development and implementation of policy and day-to-day management of the agency. Grace chaired the 2019 State Energy Master Plan Committee. She began her career as the Legislative Liaison at the BPU. Active in state and local politics, she is a graduate of Rutgers University School of Law – Newark. She has a Master’s Degree from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers and an undergraduate degree from Rutgers College, and was affiliated with the Eagleton Institute of Politics as a graduate fellow and undergraduate associate.

Crystal Pruitt Crystal Pruitt External Affairs Lead, Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind

Crystal Pruitt is the External Affairs Lead supporting all teams and portfolio of projects at Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind.  Prior to her joining Atlantic Shores, Crystal was the Deputy Director in the Clean Energy Division of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and ran the Office of Clean Energy Equity.  This office, created in 2020, was the first of its kind focusing on ensuring access to clean energy programming and technologies for all residents across New Jersey.

A graduate of North Carolina State University and John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Crystal transitioned to government work in 2017 and has worked in both the Legislative and Executive Branches.

Notably, prior to her work with the NJ Board of Public Utilities, she was Chief of Staff, for now, NJ State Senator Andrew Zwicker (LD-16), and worked as a legislative liaison for the NJ Department of Human Services.  In addition to her state government experience, she is also a sitting councilwoman in her hometown of Franklin Township, NJ, located in Somerset County, NJ.

Michael Renna Michael Renna President & Chief Executive Officer, South Jersey Industries Inc. (SJI)

As the president and chief executive officer of South Jersey Industries (SJI), Mike Renna leads one of New Jersey’s most prominent energy infrastructure companies.

Mr. Renna joined SJI in 1998 and through his hard work and commitment to success, he advanced through a number of managerial and professional positions. Prior to his leadership role at SJI, Mr. Renna held the titles of president of South Jersey Energy Solutions and South Jersey Energy, the region’s largest energy marketer. He was appointed to the South Jersey Energy Solutions executive committee in November 2012 and to the SJI Board of Directors in 2014. In 2015, Mr. Renna was named to his current position as president and chief executive officer of SJI.

Under his leadership, SJI has strengthened its focus on supporting the state’s vision of a clean energy future while continuing to uphold the company’s longstanding commitment to delivering safe, reliable, affordable clean energy to over 700,000 natural gas customers via SJI Utilities (SJIU).

In 2021, SJI took significant strides to fulfill the goals outlined in its comprehensive sustainability plan, including the development of a portfolio of innovative renewable energy projects through its growing non-utility subsidiary, SJI Energy Enterprises (SJIEE). Mr. Renna and SJI are at the forefront of this transformation, delivering clean energy solutions for a better today and tomorrow.

An alumnus of the University of Delaware, where he earned his undergraduate degree in finance, Mr. Renna also holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Cornell University. He serves on various boards of directors including the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce and Choose New Jersey. Additionally, Mr. Renna sits on the board of trustees for The Hun School of Princeton. He is also a member of the steering committee for the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University, participates in the University of Delaware’s Student Mentoring Program and is a member of the Jefferson Health New Jersey Business Council.

Elizabeth Sila Elizabeth Sila Manager, State Affairs, Volvo Cars USA

Elizabeth Sila is the Manager, State Affairs for Volvo Cars USA. In her role, she monitors and engages on legislative proposals across all fifty-states, with a focus on electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. Elizabeth has worked in state government for four years, previously at a trade association for autonomous vehicles and at a state consulting firm.

Duncan Turner Duncan Turner General Partner, SOSV & Managing Director, HAX
Phil Vavala Phil Vavala VP of Governmental & External Affairs, and Region President, Atlantic City Electric and Delmarva Power
Brendan William Brendan William Head of Government Relations, PBF Energy



NJBIA is thrilled to honor these three longtime leaders in the energy and environment sectors who have truly made a difference for our state and continue to put New Jersey on the best forward as it relates to energy and the environment.

Meet our Honorees
Governor Christine Todd Whitman Governor Christine Todd Whitman President, The Whitman Strategy Group (WSG)

Christine Todd Whitman is the President of The Whitman Strategy Group (WSG), a consulting firm that specializes in energy and environmental issues. WSG offers a comprehensive set of solutions to problems facing businesses, organizations, and governments; they have been at the forefront of helping leading companies find innovative solutions to environmental challenges.

Governor Whitman served in the cabinet of President George W. Bush as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from January of 2001 until June of 2003. She was the 50th Governor of the State of New Jersey, serving as its first woman governor from 1994 until 2001.

As Governor, Christie Whitman earned praise from both Republicans and Democrats for her commitment to preserve a record amount of New Jersey land as permanent green space. She was also recognized by the Natural Resources Defense Council as having instituted the most comprehensive beach monitoring system in the nation. As EPA Administrator, she promoted common-sense environmental improvements such as watershed-based water protection policies.  She championed regulations requiring non-road diesel engines to reduce sulfur emissions by more than 95 percent.  During her tenure, the Agency was successful in passing and implementing landmark brownfields legislation to promote the redevelopment and reuse of “brownfields”, previously contaminated industrial sites.

She is the author of a New York Times best seller called “It’s My Party Too”, which was published in January of 2005 and released in paperback in March 2006.

Governor Whitman formerly served on the Boards of United Technologies Corporation, Texas Instruments Inc. and S.C. Johnson and Son, Inc. She is on the Advisory Board of The Northeast Maglev (TNEM).Governor Whitman also serves a number of non-profit organizations including as Chairman of the American Security Project, Vice-Chairman of the Trustees of the Eisenhower Fellowships, Executive Committee of the National World War II Museum, and member of the Boards of Directors of the World Food Program USA and the Meridian Institute. She is co-chair of the Forward Party, the States United Democracy Center, the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative Leadership Council, the Aspen Institute K12 Climate Action Task Force, and the National Institute for Civil Discourse. She is a member of the National Advisory Committee for the Presidential Climate Action Project, a founding member of the Climate Leadership Council, and Senior Fellow at the Kettering Foundation. She is a member of the advisory boards of the Renew America Movement, the Rick Herema Foundation, and the ERA Coalition.

She was co-chair of the Commission on the Rule of Law and Democracy at the Brennan Center at New York University. During the 2020 election cycle, she served as Chair of Republicans and Independents for Biden, and as one of the Advisory Board members for the Voter Protection Project.

In 2018, Governor Whitman was the recipient of the Panetta Institute’s Jefferson-Lincoln Award for her dedication to the key principles of the American democracy and the ideals of the nation. Governor Whitman was awarded The Eisenhower Medal for Leadership and Service in 2017.

Prior to becoming Governor, she was the President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and served on the Somerset County board of Chosen Freeholders.


Governor Whitman holds a BA from Wheaton College in Norton, MA, and was married for 41 years to the late John R. Whitman. She has two children and seven grandchildren.

Stefanie A. Brand Stefanie A. Brand Former Director of New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel & Adjunct Professor, Delaware Valley Univ.

Former Director of New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel

Stefanie A. Brand served as the Director for the Division of Rate Counsel, from October 1, 2007, until September 1, 2021. The Division of Rate Counsel represents the interests of consumers of regulated electric, natural gas, water/sewer, telecommunications, cable TV service, and insurance (residential, small business, commercial and industrial customers).

Prior to joining Rate Counsel, Stefanie was the Assistant Attorney General in Charge of Litigation for the Division of Law within the Department of Law and Public Safety. In this position she oversaw all civil litigation for the state. Her 15-year tenure with the Division of Law included work on a variety of issues such as child welfare, environmental regulation, human services, employment and tort law.

Before retiring, Stefanie spent 35 years practicing law in New Jersey. She spent 29 years advocating on behalf of the people of New Jersey. After 5 years in private practice, she joined the Division of Law in 1992. She worked as a Deputy Attorney General for 10 years, focusing on solid waste, environmental cases and federal litigation. In 2002, Stefanie was named Deputy Attorney General in Charge of Litigation and in 2003, she was named Assistant Attorney General.

Stefanie graduated from Columbia University School of Law in 1986 and clerked for Associate Justice Gary Stein of the New Jersey State Supreme Court.

Since retirement, Stefanie has been teaching as an Adjunct Professor at Delaware Valley University in Doylestown, PA.

Dr. Edward H. Salmon Dr. Edward H. Salmon Chairman Emeritus, Salmon Ventures, Ltd.

Dr. Salmon has served as a coach, teacher, school administrator, Mayor, County Freeholder, State Assemblyman, and President of the NJ Board of Public Utilities. Recently he received a Doctor of Humane Letters from Thomas Edison State College for his lifetime of work as an “untiring civic activist, philanthropist, and humanitarian.”

Dr. Salmon started his teaching career in 1964 after graduating from Gettysburg College with a B.A. in Health and Physical Education. He married his wife Marilyn one week before his graduation. They moved to Millville, NJ where they were both hired in the Millville Public Schools, Dr. Salmon teaching Physical Education and Marilyn teaching English. The couple taught over 7,000 students during their careers. Dr. Salmon served as head coach of the boys’ basketball team and achieved an 84% win record. He was twice named New Jersey Basketball Coach of the Year and was inducted into the South Jersey Coaches Hall of Fame.

Not long after settling in Millville, Dr. Salmon was recruited by the Democratic Party to run for Millville City Commission. He won 87% of the vote in 1973 and was elected the city’s youngest Mayor. In 1977, Dr. Salmon moved on to the Cumberland County Board of Chosen Freeholders. In this role, he served as Freeholder Director and began his career of environmental stewardship by ensuring that four local rivers were inducted into the National Wild Scenic River System.

In 1988, Dr. Salmon served as the New Jersey Legislator for four years before Governor Jim Florio appointed him to the governor’s Cabinet as President of the NJ Board of Public Utilities.  During his time on the Board, Dr. Salmon became heavily involved in the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), serving as an officer in the organization. Dr. Salmon served two years as NARUC’s Vice President, Chair of NARUC’s Executive Committee, Founder of NARUC’s Washington Action Committee, and a member of the Communications Committee.  In addition, he was President of the Great Lakes Conference (16 states) and on the Board of Directors for the National Society of Rate of Return Analysts and the National Regulatory Research Institute.  Presently, Dr. Salmon serves as President of NARUC’s Commissioners Emeritus.  Upon leaving the public sector, Dr. Salmon first went to work for AUS consultants before branching off to establish Salmon Ventures Limited in March 2003.

After 20 years, on January 1, 2024, Dr. Salmon retired from Salmon Ventures and currently serves as Chairman Emeritus.  In addition, he serves as Chairman Emeritus of the New Jersey Energy Coalition; immediate past President of the National Aviation Research & Technology Park, Inc.; immediate past President of NARUC Commissioners Emeritus (16th term); and immediate past Chair of the Steering Committee, and founder of the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University. In the past, he served on the Board of Trustees of Sun National Bank; President of the Southern New Jersey

Boy Scout Council; 22 States Board of Directors for American Water; Board of Trustees of the Ocean City Tabernacle; and Executive Board Member of the South Jersey American Heart Association.  Dr. Salmon is currently a member of the West Park United Methodist Church.

Dr. Salmon and his wife, Marilyn, have been married for 60 years. They have two children: Jim Salmon, married to Vivian, and Kristine, married to Scott Burnley.

Energy Policy Program

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  • Click Here to View Our Program
    8:00 AM
    Registration, Networking & Breakfast
    8:45 AM
    Welcoming Remarks
    Presented by Michele N. Siekerka, Esq. – President & CEO, NJBIA
    9:00 AM
    Hear from the CEOs
    The CEOs and other leaders of our major energy utility companies will offer their perspectives on New Jersey’s energy future and their plans for decarbonization, reliability, and affordability.

    Amy Cradic – SVP & COO of Non-Utility Businesses, Strategy and External Affairs New Jersey Resources
    Doug Mokoid – President, Jersey Central Power & Light (JCPL)
    Michael Renna – President & Chief Executive Officer, South Jersey Industries Inc.
    Phil Vavala – VP of Governmental & External Affairs, and Region President, Atlantic City Electric and Delmarva Power
    10:40 AM
    Networking Break
    11:00 AM
    The Future of Nuclear Power
    Opportunities and Obstacles – Our speaker will discuss the role nuclear power can play in our energy future, the challenges that surround this industry, and what must happen for nuclear power to have a rebirth in New Jersey and beyond.

    Cyril Draffin – Senior Fellow for Advanced Nuclear, US Nuclear Industry Council
    11:25 AM
    The Status and Future of Offshore Wind
    Governor Murphy’s goal of 11 GW of offshore wind power is ambitious and has the potential to significantly decarbonize our electricity production. But challenges abound in getting this start-up industry off the ground. What does the future for offshore wind power hold for New Jersey and how can we help make it a reality?

    Janice Fuller – President, Mid-Atlantic, Anbaric
    Karen Imas – Sr. External Affairs Manager, Offshore Wind US – Attentive Energy, TotalEnergies Renewables USA, LLC
    Crystal Pruitt – External Affairs Lead, Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind LLC
    Michael Porto – Senior Director, External Engagement, Offshore Development, Invenergy
    Moderated by Paulina Banasiak O’Connor – Executive Director, New Jersey Offshore Wind Alliance
    12:10 PM
    Lunch & Networking
    12:30 PM
    The End of Chevron Deference – How Does it Impact Energy Policy?
    Varu, Chilakamarri, K&L Gates
    1:00 PM
    The Next U.S. Energy Crisis: Electric Power
    Bob Martin – Managing Director, Christie 55 Solutions LLC
    1:20 PM
    Decarbonizing the Transportation Industry, Will Current Policies Work?
    The transportation sector is a major contributor to carbon emissions. However, the policies put in place to decarbonize this sector may be too costly and not practical. What are the obstacles to decarbonizing transportation and what are the solutions?
    Rick DeSilva, Jr. – Partner, Liberty Subaru
    Laura Perrotta, CAE – President, New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers
    Elizabeth Sila – Manager, State Affairs, Volvo Cars USA
    Brendan William – Head of Government Relations, PBF Energy
    Moderated by Rebecca Moll Freed – Partner, K&L Gates
    2:05 PM
    Projecting New Jersey’s Energy Usage and Sources
    Policy makers often set goals and mandates concerning energy usage without fully understanding how much of each energy source is being used and, more importantly, where trends are headed. This panel will provide the facts on where we are, where we are going, and what it means to our climate change goals.

    Ari Kahan – Office of Integrated & International Energy Analysis, U.S. Energy Information Administration
    Cynthia Kay Niemeyer, PE – Policy Advisor, American Petroleum Institute (API)
    Timothy C. Burdis – Director, State Policy Solutions, PJM
    Moderated by Erick A. Ford – Vice President, Stevens & Lee Public Affairs LLC
    3:00 PM
    Networking Break
    3:25 PM
    Building Decarbonization – Can We Get There and How?
    Buildings contribute a significant percentage of our carbon footprint and is, perhaps, the hardest sector to decarbonize. What policies are being considered and what would be the impact if those policies are adopted?

    Jeffrey E. Grant, MBA,PE,CEM,CEP – Owner, EnergyPlus Solutions
    Chris Moser – Senior Vice President, Head of Competitive Markets and Policy, NRG Energy
    Moderated by Brian Keatts, Esq. – Partner, Davison Eastman Muñoz Paone, P.A.
    4:10 PM
    AI and Energy Decarbonization
    AI offers enormous potential to revolutionize energy planning and transformation. Yet, most policymakers and even industry professionals are not fully aware of the potential of this technology. This panel will explore how AI can help change the energy world.

    Professor Steven C. Crowley – Professor of Astrophysical Sciences & Director & Director, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)
    Minjie Chen, Ph.D – Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton University
    Moderated by Grace Strom Power – Partner, Government Affairs and Energy & Environment, McCarter & English, LLP
    4:55 PM
    Closing Remarks
    5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
    Awards Reception


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