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10th Annual Women Business Leaders Forum Register Today!

NJBIA has developed employer guides for partnering with educational institutions so employers can help prepare students for the working world.
Broken down by education level, each guide highlights examples of partnership opportunities, the benefits of partnering and the single points of contact for each institution a business is interested in partnering with. The documents also include questions to consider when partnering with an organization and contacts for additional assistance:

• An Employer’s Guide to Partnering with K-12 Education
• An Employer’s Guide to Partnering with a Career and Technical High School
• An Employer’s Guide to Partnering with New Jersey’s Community Colleges
• An Employer’s Guide to Partnering with New Jersey’s Colleges and Universities

There are countless ways employers can partner and benefit from investing in education and workforce training. At NJBIA, we wanted to make sure our members could see how they could partner and take advantage of these benefits.