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 NJBIA’s efforts to stop the state’s proposed ban on the sale of new gas-powered cars got a boost during a drive-time discussion on NJ101.5 radio Thursday when listeners were urged to use NJBIA’s online site to contact their legislators. 

NJBIA Deputy Chief Government Affairs Officer Ray Cantor told NJ101.5 host Bill Spadea that New Jersey residents must let their elected lawmakers know the real-world impacts of the proposed gas car ban now during the current 60-day public comment period. Once the rule is adopted at the end of the year, all new cars sold in New Jersey must be electric-powered vehicles (EVs) in 2035. 

“There are three basic problems with this rule,” Cantor said. “One, these (electric) cars are not affordable for the average New Jerseyan. So, you’re going to have a slew of people who basically won’t be able to afford to own a car anymore.” 

Secondly, the state’s electricity infrastructure cannot handle the increased demand under such an expedited timetable, Cantor said. 

“There are not enough chargers,” Cantor said. “If you live in an urban area in an apartment or condo complex there’s really no place to charge your vehicle.” 

Lastly, the proposal takes away consumer choice, he said. 

“EVs may work for some people, but they’re not going to work for everybody,” Cantor said. “This regulation that they are proposing is going to take away that choice from consumers.” 

Although the proposed ban on sales of new gasoline-powered cars comes with a 2035 implementation date, the impact will be felt by consumers much earlier, Cantor said. He noted the ban would be phased in and would require 43% of new vehicles sold in 2027 to be EVs. Right now, only 8% of cars sold are EVs. 

In 2027, dealers may not be able to sell gas-powered cars simply because they are not able to sell the required percentage of more expensive electric cars, he said. 

“Prices for used cars and new cars are going to go through the roof,” Cantor said. 

To listen to the entire conversation, go here. Residents can visit NJBIA’s online Legislative Action Center to voice opposition to the gas car ban.