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Gov. Phil Murphy spent 11 minutes with talk show host Steve Adubato recently discussing taxes, marijuana, and a handful of other issues.

Legalizing recreational use of marijuana is a campaign promise that Murphy has not yet achieved. So will it happen in six months to a year?

“I think if you say within a year, the answer is yes,” Murphy responded. “At worst, I think it will be on a referendum question in November of next year, but I hope like heck we can get something done in the so-called lame duck session” following this year’s Nov. 5 election.

Adubato also gave Murphy a chance to walk back his quote about New Jersey and taxes from a couple of weeks ago. Murphy had said then that if you’re a one issue voter and taxes are your issue, New Jersey is probably not your state.

Instead of walking it back, Murphy doubled down: “We’re not Mississippi, we’re not Alabama,” Murphy told Adubato. “People come to New Jersey for what we have, which is the No. 1-rated education system in the United States, the only state in the history  of the United States to provide universal access to arts education, a location second to none, and the highest concentration of scientists and engineers in the entire world.”