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The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) has set out to address the core risks that currently threaten the United States’ bio-economy with the release of their report Safeguarding the Bio-economy. While the U.S. is currently leading the bio economic playing field, NASEM warns that the nation must be aware of the challenges from decentralized leadership, inadequate talent development, cybersecurity vulnerabilities, stagnant investment in fundamental research, and international competition if it hopes to continue its success.

Useful Stats: Higher Ed R&D Performance by Metro and Field According to Colin Edwards of SSTI, “Taking a deeper dive into R&D expenditures at U.S. institutions of higher education, this week’s edition of Useful Stats examines the fields in which this R&D was performed at the metropolitan level in 2018.

Leader of NJ Council says Vo-tech Schools Are Evolving, Cutting-edge Learning Environment is Attracting Students “The demand for career and technical education in New Jersey has gone through the roof,” Judy Savage begins. “Enrollment in our vo-tech schools is up more than 34% since the year 2000. And it continues to grow. “In fact, county vocational schools have been turning away as many or more kids as they’re able to accept.”

We Can Lower Healthcare Costs and Keep NJ’s Pharmaceutical Industry Hard at Work From New Jersey has been at the center of medical innovation for well over a century – and remains so. We are fortunate to be represented by 14 federal legislators who recognize this and also are all strongly committed – as is our biopharmaceutical sector – to patients and the advancement of the human condition.

NJIT Engineering Prof. Misra Named IEEE Fellow, Stops Transistors From Leaking Energy Durgamadhab Misra is the newest member of NJIT’s Newark College of Engineering to become a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Misra won the prestigious award for his ongoing research on preventing transistors from leaking electrons.

NJ among Top States with Tech Skill Resolutions From New Jersey Business: Some 62% of employed U.S. residents plan on making a resolution to gain or improve a tech-related skill in 2020.

Orsted Doubles Down on RU Research Partnership From NJBIZ: Ørsted U.S. Offshore Wind formed a partnership with Rutgers University, the University of Rhode Island, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to launch the Ecosystem and Passive Acoustic Monitoring project.

Newark Ranked as One of 10 Best Cities for New Programmers to Live, Work From ROI-NJ: San Francisco, Seattle, San Jose – even New York City. None of these high-tech areas made the list of the 10 best places for a young programmer to live and work. But Newark did.