This past Monday, the Assembly Labor Committee met and passed the following bills.
A-5801 – Coughlin (D19) – Concerns the responsibility of owners for wage claims against subcontractors. NJBIA did not take a position on this bill as the committee accepted amendments the removed ‘owners’ from the responsibilities outlined in the legislation.
A-5839 – Moriarty (D4); Verrelli (D15); DeAngelo (D14) – Concerns penalties for misclassification of employees. NJBIA opposed the bills because it would impose excessive penalties for misclassification violations.
A-5840 – Carter (D22); Moriarty (D4) – Concerns joint liability for payment of employer tax law. NJBIA asked for amendments to clarify that the provisions of the legislation would only impact knowing and willful violations.
A-5841 – Calabrese (D36); Verrelli (D15); Moriarty (D4) – Permits DOLWD to post information of person who violates State wage, benefit and tax laws. NJIBA asked for amendments to ensure a persons name was not put on the list until after the adjudication process was completed.
A-5843 – Speight (D29); Verrelli (D15); Moriarty (D4) – Requires employers to post notice for employees on employee misclassification. NJBIA asked for a provision that would allow DOLWD consolidate existing notification posters and allow employers provide the information electronically.
A-5936 – Egan (D17); DeAngelo (D14) – Concerns employment status of individuals with respect to wage and hour and unemployment status. NJIBA opposed A-5936 because it would impose a more restrictive ABC test and make nearly impossible for independent contractors to operate in New Jersey. For more on this, please click here.