On Thursday, March 26 at 4:00 pm, NJBIA will be hosting a conference call exclusively for our manufacturing industry members. The agenda will include an update on executive and legislative matters relating to the COVID-19 crisis and Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 107, as well as a discussion on how our manufacturers are meeting critical needs for in-demand resources. There will be an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, concerns and needs.
If you are able to join us, please RSVP by providing your email address below and click the register button. You will receive a confirmation message with the conference call information. If you want to submit a question or comment in advance, please complete the form found on our Coronavirus Resource page. Please note in the comment section that your question/thought is being submitted in advance of the March 26 manufacturing call, so we know you are not expecting an answer in real time.
We have conducted these industry-specific calls with other segments of our business community. They have proven to be effective and informative for both our members and NJBIA. Your input will help guide our policy going forward – not just in the near term, but also in the longer run. Our goal is to ensure that our state and business community is positioned to bounce back as quick as possible.
At NJBIA, we have been fielding an incredible amount of calls from members about the impact this crisis is having on their businesses. The most economically impacted are asking if there is fiscal relief coming in the near term.
We have also fielded many calls regarding the need for resources, especially Personal Protective Equipment.
At the same time, we have been front and center with our policymakers to ensure that the needs of our manufacturing industry in New Jersey are being addressed. We are confident that our letter to the Governor on behalf of manufacturers was a key reason why ALL manufacturing facilities were permitted to continue operations. We continue to participate in regular briefings with the Governor’s office where we have the opportunity to share policy considerations in real time.
I look forward to speaking with you on Thursday. Thank you and all the best.
Michele N. Siekerka, Esq., President and CEO
New Jersey Business & Industry Association