Eliana Pintor Marin was born in Newark to Portuguese immigrant parents and grew up in the city’s historic East Ward. She attended Academy of St. Benedict for grammar school and graduated from Mother Seton Regional High School. She went on to earn her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from St. John’s University in New York. She received certificate in both Public Administration and International Relations.
Assemblywoman Pintor Marin began her professional career working for a Brazilian Investment Bank (Banco Votorantim Securities) in New York City. She then left to start working at the County of Essex for the County Clerk’s Office. She is now Deputy County Administrator for the County of Essex.
She first joined the Assembly as a representative of the 29th Legislative District in 2013 and was re-elected to her fourth term in November of 2021. As an Assemblywoman, she has held several leadership positions, including her present roles as Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, Co-Chair of Joint Budget Oversight committee, and as a member of the Appropriations Committee.
As the Budget Chair, Assemblywoman Pintor Marin plays a critical role in the discussions between the Legislature and the Governor involving the New Jersey State Budget which ranges around $50 billion. Her most important role, however, is as a champion for the working families of her district. She has worked closely with her fellow lawmakers on crucial measures to restore state funding for family planning centers, ensure equal pay for women, and supporting female, minority, and veteran owned small businesses. Each is now law.
She also sponsored bills that would prohibit public utilities from terminating service to customers using life-saving equipment, establish a task force on campus sexual assault, and provide rental and lease protections for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Further, as a leader in efforts to address water quality in Newark, she sponsored several important pieces of legislation, including a law requiring the establishment of lead reporting systems in schools and child care centers, and another authorizing special assessments and bond issuance to replace lead-contaminated water service lines.
Assemblywoman Pintor Marin has also been a driving force behind efforts to bring economic redevelopment to urban centers like Newark. Early in her Assembly career, she co-sponsored a law that allows municipal redevelopers to receive tax credits under Economic Redevelopment and Growth Grant program for certain mixed use parking projects. More recently, she sponsored the critically important reinstatement and extension of the Urban Enterprise Zone program. Working closely with various real estate investors, developers, and communities, the “New Jersey Economic Recovery Act of 2020″ was created as a collaborative piece of legislation establishing further grant funding for redevelopment and growth projects. Now law, it is an administration of programs and policies related to jobs, property development, food deserts, community partnerships, small and early stage businesses, State procurement, wind energy, and film production.
The Assemblywoman is a proud parent and a vigorous advocate for women and families. She has sponsored numerous bills to aid mothers and their children, including legislation that would provide a sales tax exemption for breast pumps, extend postpartum coverage for many women under Medicaid, require certain public facilities to provide on-site lactation rooms, and provide Medicaid coverage for Doula care. In addition, she has sponsored several bills providing access and funding for baby boxes to prevent infant mortality, as well as information and educational resources on safe sleeping.
Education is also a life-long priority for Assemblywoman Pintor Marin. From 2008 to 2014, she served on the Newark Public Schools Advisory Board, including a term as Chair. In the Assembly, she sponsored laws that ensure all teachers in New Jersey are familiar with the needs of students with disabilities, that require the teaching of financial literacy, and that expand eligibility for summer meal programs for hungry children.
Assemblywoman Pintor Marin is extremely dedicated to her community. She has volunteered as a district leader, helped in different capacities at the various Portuguese cultural clubs, and was the Director of the Luis Camoes Portuguese School. However, the role that she is the proudest to serve is that of a Mother. The Assemblywoman married Anthony Marin in May of 2010 and they have three beautiful daughters: Amelia Maria, Aveline Mia, and Ariella Mila.