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Michele Siekerka

NJBIA President & CEO Michele Siekerka, Esq.

As we start a new week of our new norm, NJBIA continues to provide you answers and assistance.

Last week, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority announced a package of emergency assistance programs to help New Jersey small businesses and non-profits impacted by the coronavirus response. On Tuesday, March 31 at 4 p.m., NJBIA, the New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce, the Commerce & Industry Association and the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey will partner for a special webinar conversation with NJEDA CEO Tim Sullivan.

To join this free, information-packed webinar, register here.

Additionally, to help these small businesses understand which programs they may qualify for, the EDA has launched a new online “Eligibility Wizard.”

By guiding users through a series of 25 easy-to-answer questions, the Eligibility Wizard provides information on which grants and loans any entity may want to consider for its specific needs.

The Eligibility Wizard can be found through the State’s COVID-19 Business Information Hub:, as well as on NJBIA’s Coronavirus Resource Page.

CARES Act Guidance

The federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocates $350 billion to help small businesses keep workers employed amid the pandemic and economic downturn.

Also known as the Paycheck Protection Program, the initiative provides 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses. And these loans may be forgiven if borrowers maintain their payrolls during the crisis or restore their payrolls afterward.

With more details still to become available, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has issued this guide and checklist to help small businesses and self-employed individuals prepare to file for a federal loan.

COVID-19 FAQs for Employers

You have COVID-19 HR questions, NJBIA has answers.

In a new NJBIA online video, Michael Shadiack, Chair of Connell Foley’s Labor and Employment Practice Group, joins NJBIA COO/CFO Alice Gens to answer some of our members’ most frequently asked questions about layoffs, furloughs, pay cuts and paid leave as they struggle with these issues during the coronavirus shutdown.

Go to the Webinars & Videos tab on NJBIA’s Coronavirus Resource Page to watch.

New Not-For-Profit Conference Call

NJBIA is hosting a second conference call, for our not-for-members on Tuesday, March 31, at 1 p.m.

Last week’s highly-attended call for this group provided the latest information as it relates to the not-profit sector. Please join us as NJBIA provides you with the latest update on resources, while providing you with an opportunity to ask more questions and share best practices.

To take part in the not-for-profit call, email Jodi Grinwald at

#NJBIAtogether Social Media Campaign

On Friday, we launched our new #NJBIAtogether social media campaign on our Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram pages to hear and share the positive and unique stories of business owners and their employees as we go through this unprecedented time together.

If you’re not following us on social media yet, please do connect with us on TwitterFacebookLinkedInInstagram and YouTube as we regularly update our content and information. Keep an eye out and we look forward to your participation!

Be well,

Michele N. SiekerkaEsq.,  President and CEO
New Jersey Business & Industry Association