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NJBIA recently hosted a virtual Health Affairs Policy Committee Meeting to discuss the legislative agenda and goals of featured legislators.  

Joining the meeting were Senator Joe Vitale (D-19), Assemblywoman Carol Murphy (D-7), Senator Gordon Johnson (D-37), and Mark Regan, Chief of Staff to Senator Anthony Bucco (R-25). 

Senator Vitale began the call by sharing his legislative agenda as Chairman of the Senate Health, Human Services & Senior Citizens Committee. First, he shared updates on Bill S1493, which eliminates a smoking ban exemption for casinos and simulcasting facilities.  

Vitale shared his concern for workers’ exposure to cigarette smoke as it relates to overall health and noted that he hopes to see the bill passed in the current session.  

Vitale also discussed plans for the bifurcation of state-run veterans’ homes from the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. During the COVID-19 pandemic, staff and veterans living in veterans’ homes were disproportionally affected. Vitale is hoping to introduce related legislation by the end of the year.  

Following Vitale, members of the newly created Home Care Caucus, where Assemblywoman Murphy serves as co-chair, provided their legislative goals for the caucus. Murphy highlighted the caucus’ current legislative issues, but especially those related to home health care. There was an increase in the use of these services during the pandemic, coupled with a growing aging population in the state.  

Johnson discussed the importance of addressing the salaries of those responsible for providing care. He also expressed concern for the amount of time it takes for insurance companies to grant credentials to a doctor coming in from out of state.  

Regan, spoke on behalf of Bucco about addressing the workforce shortages in the healthcare industry and establishing clear pathways for employment.  

NJBIA Vice President of Government Affairs Althea Ford provided updates on several bills NJBIA is currently monitoring. A4953, known as the Patient Provider Act has been introduced and referred to the Assembly Finacial Institutions Committee.  This legislation establishes certain requirements for pharmacy benefits managers relating to contractual agreements with manufacturers and pharmacies.   

S-3838 permits Director of Division of Pensions and Benefits to initiate temporary transfer of funds in certain circumstances. NJBIA is not taking a formal position, however, it is monitoring for implications.  

Finally, as part of its Manufactuing Skills Initiative, NJBIA is seeking employer survey input on workforce needs.