NJBIA President and CEO Michele Siekerka and Vice President of Government Affairs Althea D. Ford have been recognized on the 2025 list of New Jersey’s most Powerful Women compiled by Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter.
“To all the women serving in elected and appointed positions: thank you for your dedication,” Sumter wrote of the honorees.
“Let us continue to draw strength from Amanda Gorman’s powerful reminder in “The Hill We Climb”: ‘The hill we climb, if only we dare, is steep but we are not afraid.’
Siekerka, Ford and the NJBIA Government Affairs department works with various state government departments on initiatives like workforce development, employment regulations, environment and energy policy, tax policy, economic development and much more.
Sumter annually issues the list to highlight women participating in the political process outside of being an elected official.
To see the full list, click here.