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The Fourth Annual Energy Policy Conference, October 15, 2024 REGISTER

Thousands of New Jerseyans have filled the inboxes of legislators and comment boxes on social media in the first two weeks of NJBIA’s campaign to stop Gov. Phil Murphy’s ban of the sale new of gas-powered cars by 2035. 

Now they have a chance to voice their concerns to the state agency that is implementing the rule. 

On Thursday, Sept. 21, the state Department of Environmental Protection will host a live, virtual public hearing as part of its 60-day public comment period to adopt the Advanced Clean Cars II rule by the end of this year. 

“We’ve heard from so many people who have stressed the concerns of being able to afford an electric vehicle and all of the added costs that go along with it,” said NJBIA Deputy Chief Government Affairs Officer Ray Cantor. “Many also just don’t like being dictated to about what they can and cannot drive. 

“But what’s also been most encouraging is many are asking the right questions. How can we possibly have the charging infrastructure to do this, both on the roads and in places like apartment complexes? How will we have the grid power to electrify our entire vehicle fleet without brownouts and blackouts?  Will we be able to afford to buy an EV or any car? 

“These are the questions and comments that should also be relayed to the DEP as they formulate the rule, because they’re required to come up with answers.” 

Those interested in speaking during the public hearing must email the DEP at no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 19. You must provide your contact information (name, organization, telephone number, and email address to confirm receipt of your interest to testify in person. 

Written comments must be submitted to the DEP by Oct. 20. 

More information on the proposed rule, and how and where to submit oral and/or written comments, can be found here.