The Department of Labor and Workforce Development has released proposed regulations in order to implement a law requiring public works contractors to certify, if they directly employ craftworkers, that they are participating in a registered apprenticeship program for each craft that the contractor employs.
A few key proposed definitions include:
- Craft – means a construction trade or craft that is utilized by the contractor directly on a public work and that is included on the USDOL’s “List of Occupations Officially Recognized as Apprenticeable by the Office of Apprenticeship.”
- Craftworker – means an individual employed by a contractor in a craft.
- Registered Apprenticeship Program – means an apprenticeship program that is registered with and approved by the USDOL, which provides each trainee with combined classroom and on-the-job training in an occupation recognized as an apprenticeable occupation, and which meets the program standards of enrollment and graduation under federal regulations.
NJBIA has established a contact with NJ DOLWD’s Office of Apprenticeship to work with contractors to establish apprenticeship programs. For more information please contact NJBIA Vice President of Government Affairs Michael Wallace at