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The New Jersey Division on Civil Rights has issued a rule proposal that requires employers to provide posters explaining the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) and the New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA) to employees once annually, either electronically or in print. 

The rule proposal also creates alternative options for how employers may comply with preexisting rules requiring the display of these posters in physical workspaces. 

“Under the proposed rule, employers could display these posters on company intranet or internet sites that are available to employees,” said NJBIA Director of Government Affairs Alexis Bailey. “These changes are being made to ensure employees are informed of the laws, while better accommodating remote workplaces.” 

Places of public accommodation and housing providers are already required to display posters explaining the state Law Against Discrimination. But the updated rule would require the Division to create location-specific posters that are better tailored to each public accommodation setting – such as schools, restaurants, and government buildings – rather than the current general poster. 

Also under the rule, healthcare entities will now have to post “Know Your Rights” posters based on the Law Against Discrimination that are specific to healthcare settings in several locations, including near all entrances and public waiting rooms.  

The rule also encourages the posting of these notifications in individual treatment rooms. DCR can create different posters to tailor to the needs of different locations, such as emergency rooms, women’s health centers, and testing sites. 

To learn more about the rule proposal and to comment, click here. Comment period on the rule ends on May 20, 2022.  If you have any feedback or questions, please contact Alexis Bailey, Director of Government Affairs at