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The Office of Management and Budget yesterday put a stay on new Equal Employment Opportunity reporting requirements set to go into effect this year while it reviews their effectiveness. As a result, companies with 100 or more employees and certain smaller federal contractors will not have to report the salary ranges for each of their employees.

They will still have to report race, ethnicity and gender of employees in different job categories as they have in the past, but will have until March 31, 2018 to do so.

As NJBIA’s Stefanie Riehl explained in July, the new reporting requirements would have made the process 20 times more complicated.

“The new requirement is an effort to reduce pay disparities among protected classes, like women and minorities,” Riehl explained. “While employers generally support the goal, I can’t ignore the fact that the new form has 3,500 data cells and still provides no smoking gun showing that differences in pay are the result of gender or race discrimination.”

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