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BCG Securities
Focus NJ
NJBIA HR Support Center
New Jersey Business Magazine
Webinar October 20 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Free The NJBIA Event Team Email

What it Means for Your NJ Business Retirement Savings

Discover how the Federal Secure 2.0 Act and the NJ Secure Choice Act are revolutionizing employer-sponsored retirement plans in New Jersey. These groundbreaking legislations are set to transform the retirement landscape.

Don’t miss out! The new laws require all employers with 25 or more employees to offer retirement plans, making it mandatory. Furthermore, these laws stipulate automatic enrollment for employees. But that’s not all – the legislation introduces significant changes to the minimum distribution ages, catch-up contribution limits, and penalties for non-compliance.

Join us for an informative discussion led by James O’Donoghue from BCG Securities, the trusted provider of NJBIA’s Retirement Savings Program. This complimentary webinar is your opportunity to have your questions answered and gain a comprehensive understanding of the available options for employers. Act now to stay ahead in the changing retirement landscape!

Meet Our Featured Speaker
James O’Donoghue James O’Donoghue Chartered Retirement Plan Specialist, BCG Securities

James O’Donoghue is a Financial Advisor with a focus on retirement plan consulting. He helps small to mid-size companies initiate, review, and manage their retirement plans. He focuses on 401(k), 403(b), SIMPLE IRA, and Payroll deduct IRA plans and specializing in the Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) “EANJ Retirement Advantage” program assisting Employer Association of New Jersey members and NJBIA members.