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On this past weekend’s “Minding Your Business” on News 12+, Priority Payment Systems Local President Angelo Mendola talked to host Bob Considine about how his business has made it much easier and cost-effective for clients to collect money and process payments thanks to technological advances.

Mendola said he loves that his business helps clients “at the speed of trust,” and the best is yet to come for Priority Payments.

“I love that we’re solving problems and in the 10 years prior to this, we’ve always had great products,” he said. “But right now we’re about to change the industry. It will change the financial payment processing and banking as we know it today.”

NJBIA’s “Minding Your Business” is a weekly TV show, and winner of two 2023 Telly Awards, that airs on News 12+ at 9:30 a.m. every Saturday and Sunday, as well as 7:30 p.m. on Saturday.